Japan Act of Specified Commercial Transactions

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Company name Kumaume Co., Ltd.
Founded August 1969
Representative Representative Director : Kumakawa Kasumori
headquarters 6-5-1 Toyosu , Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-0061
Operations Manager Xavier Caillard (Les Clefs Inc.)
Contact TEL : +81(0)470-29-5660
e-mail: shop@fishmonger.jp
Business profile Processing and sales of fresh and frozen seafood.
Regular Holidays Sundays, Wednesdays, public holidays and regular Toyosu fish market holidays.
How to order Through online order system
Payment Methods for purchases in Japan [1] Credit card (Visa, Master, JCB, American Express)

[2] Cash on delivery

[3] Google Pay

[4] Apple Pay

Selling Price Tax-included price
Other Cost Shipping fees (Cool TA-Q-BIN)