Company Information

Website Operator

Company name Les Clefs Inc.
Founded September 2009
Representative Representative Director : Ishikawa Yoko
Headquarters 398-13 Oami Tateyama-shi, Chiba 294-0044, Japan
Contact TEL/FAX: +81(0)470-29-5660
Major customer bank
The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, LTD.


Company name Kumaume Co., Ltd.
Founded August 1969
Representative Representative Director : Kumakawa Kasumori
locations (Headquarters) 6-5-1 Toyosu , Koto-ku, Tokyo 135-0061 – (Office) 3-9-37 Nekozame, Urayasu-shi, Chiba 279-0004
Contact TEL: +81(0)3-3541-0967
Capital JPY10,000,000
Major customer bank Mizuho Bank LTD. and The Bank of Tokyo-Mitsubishi UFJ, LTD.
Number of Employees 22
Business profile Processing and sales of fresh and frozen seafood.
Major trading partners Kyodo Fisheries Co., Ltd.,  Syflon Dea Co., Ltd.,  Bamaiya Co., Ltd.,  Kadoma Co., Ltd.,  Eimakura Co., Ltd.,  Tsukiji Hao, Co., Ltd.